A Heartfelt THANK YOU & Trusting the Process

Six years ago I was dreaming aloud on a hike in California. At this time in my life I was hungry and eager to find a place where women could express themselves creatively, within a space that felt safe, comfortable, ALIVE and REALLY nourishing. 

A space where they could show up with their full sense of self. A space where they did not need to negate, disregard or hide. A place that was filled with joy, laughter, tears, work, play, discovery, expansion, creativity, love, vulnerability, silliness and seriousness. A place that held, honored and respected all of these aspects of self and more. A place where women could feel WHOLE, just as they are, rather than compartmentalized, fragmented or objectified. A place to feel held, seen and heard. A return to their truest self. WILD....and it is in this space, without judgement, pressure, responsibility and expectation that they once again feel internally FREE

I’m so proud of the community that is forming. Women who have shown up year after year, month after month, week after week to get to know themselves in this way. To touch back to their truest sense of self, their true nature and say, YES. 

Wild and Free is a blend of my 20 years as an Art Therapist and a dream to offer women space to return home to themselves in a really creative way. It’s less of a traditional therapy model and more self discovery, transformation and therapeutic in nature.

This past Friday we celebrated us and this space that we are co-creating!

THANK YOU to the beautiful creative souls that share their gifts with me each week. This community is one of the truest things I’ve ever created… and we are just getting started.


🎨 Trusting the Process: Painting, Poetry and Pottery

The Jersey Shore Arts Center

66 South Main Street, Ocean Grove, NJ

DATES: FRIDAYS 5/5, 5/12, 5/19 from 10AM-12PM

Looking for an opportunity to dive deeper into your creative expression? This three-part weekly series invites individuals to create and co-create consciously and in community, using a combination of painting, poetry, and pottery.

Join Comm Unity by MZA, Project Write Now and Wild and Free Painting, as they partner on this collaborative mixed-modality experience, highlighting the importance of artistic expression and communication.

Rather than teaching technique, these workshops focus on embracing the journey of being present and following our own inner knowing. Through writing, painting, hand building and beyond, participants are encouraged to show up as their authentic selves and trust the process.



Is Creative Expression in Your Mental Health Maintenance Place?


Community Offerings